Probably my favorite record label of all time, Level Plane consistently puts out awesome records. Their current roster includes: Aussitot Mort, Coliseum, Envy, Get Rad, Ghostlimb, Graf Orlock, Hewhocorrupts, Kaospilot, Landmine Marathon, Racebannon, Rosetta, Sinaloa, The One AM Radio and Transistor Transistor among many, many others. Their past roster has included way too many amazing bands to name. It's just ridiculous how much good shit this label has done. Well this is a comp to celebrate their release of 80 records it was put out in 2005 i believe. Side 1 is pretty much just a rad compilation of songs but were this thing shines is side 2. It contains unreleased material by the likes of: Neil Perry, City of Caterpillar, A Day in Black and White and Lickgoldensky. Do yourself a favor and check this out.
Artist: Various
Album: Level Plane: 80 Records and We're Not Broke (Yet)
Label: Level Plane
Date: 2005
Disc 1
Disc 2